Balance Forecasting (coming February 25th)

“Do I have enough to cover this big expense in four months?”

This is a question I’ve wanted to answer for years. Before Bills to Budget, I used a spreadsheet to map out income, big expenses, and my bank balance over time. A simple formula would tell me if we were on track or needed to adjust.

With Balance Forecasting, Bills to Budget can do most of this work for you!

Bills to Budget already tracks your Bills, Spending Budgets, and Pay Schedules. It even knows what Account you pay from. You just need to add a few more details:

  • Your Expected Income on your Pay Schedules, and the Account it’s added to

  • The Current Balances and types of your Accounts

  • Optionally, any Credit Limits, if an Account is a liability account

From there, your Account Balances can be forecast out to your next pay day, to the end of the month, or to any point in the future, helping to give you the confidence that you’re on track to pay your bills for the year! (or that you need make some spending adjustments!)

The Budget Review process has also been updated to help you reconcile your balances, account for pending transactions, and fine-tuning your Spending Budgets, giving you an easy, repeatable process to help stay in control of your finances!


It’s a new year - why not kick it off with better financial habits?